Thursday, May 5, 2011

Customer Service- as I see it

In cover letters, I often bill myself as a "Customer Service Expert"- but I am never quite sure how much I should explain in the letter and how much I should leave out, to explain in the interview. Based on the recent lack of activity from this statement, I think I should explain it more in my cover letters.

This is my view of great customer service:

Rule #1- the customer is always right
Rule #2- when the customer is wrong, refer to rule #1

This is not original to me- I've seen it on signs in stores for years (I'm not sure who was the original)- but it rings true. Basically, if you make the customer feel special and appreciated, they (or at least most of them) will come back- even if you don't have the lowest prices. Everyone likes to feel special.

How many times have you walked into a retail store and been ignored and you're not even sure who works there? Does it make you want to go back?

On the other side, you don't want to be attacked when you walk into a store either. No one likes to have employees hounding you the minute you walk into the store.

My philosphy is to let the customer know you are there, available and that you care, but not to get in their way. This works on the phone as well. A customer calls with a question- it doesn't matter if the 100 previous calls have asked the same question- answering the question has to be treated as if it is the most important thing for you to be doing at that time. Make the customer feel wanted and special and they will come back.

Great customer service breeds brand loyalty and brand loyaly breeds profits in the long run.

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